

Nalucon - nalu lifecycle consulting supports emerging and established organisations and their investors in developing and realising strategies to drive their business value.

For strategic investors - mostly established enterprises - and financial investors, our service portfolio comprises initiation, assessment and coordination of the due diligence process, support in negotiating equity investments and cooperation in innovative projects.

As well-versed and flexible industry experts we are available for business and corporate development tasks in the chemical and life science segments.

As executives in interim assignments or as project managers we strive for effective and immediate solutions for the challenges enterprises are facing. Typical assignments, such as business expansions, development projects (e.g. clinical trials) or market internationalization, are result- and project-related and without long-term commitment for the clients.

We cover all aspects of technology transfers from scientific research to commercialization. This includes - among others - business start-ups and business expansions as well as structuring and facilitating financial resources. We work by means of an incubator to develop technologically innovative market driven companies. In those whom we support, we value insight, experience, creativity, and a strong ambition to succeed.

In general, the incubator invests in proprietary products and technologies that have the potential to serve unmet market needs. The most favourable approach is to start companies and then seek to leverage our pre- / seed-capital through syndication with larger venture firms, corporate partnering and innovative financing approaches and provide management expertise and suitable laboratories and premises.

The English version of our website will be relaunched soon. In the meanwhile please contact us for more information


"Do already today, that others think not until tomorrow, since nothing endures but change "

Heraclitus(480 BC)

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