
Earlier Stages

Nalucon supports innovative start-ups and business expansions in fast growing industries and fields of technology - from the initial idea to the market entry.

Development, assessment and optimization of business plans

Strategic development of business concepts

Identification of network partners, licensed parties and sales partners

Support in selecting management teams

Tapping funds for product and business development

Structuring of pre- / seed and / or intermediate financing

Acquiring and structuring venture capital over the course of several rounds of financing, support in negotiating venture capital deals

At this stage, you will benefit from our flexible entrepreneurial, results driven business plans. success-oriented business concepts

Our consultants are certified coaches (Best Excellence, RKW [German Centre for Productivity and Innovation] Hessen). We will be glad to examine, if your project is entitled to funding by these organizations. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding your start-up or expansion project.

If you want to start or expand a venture, please contact us:


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